Project: Value Selling Solution Pages
Problem Statement: Prospects should understand the unique value of Justworks and feel a curated experience that addresses pain points/business objectives when visiting the JMS. Our solution should be to speak directly to the prospect about their problems, explaining how we can help.
External Goals:
Prospects feel guided through a clear primary buying journey and are able to find content related to them.
Prospects feel that Justworks understands their needs and that they have a better understanding of what Justworks has to offer.
Prospects understand the pricing tiers and the value that they’re getting from the platform.
Internal Goals:
The site feels ready to perform leading into selling season FY22 and Sales & the Business Development team feel empowered by having these pages & messaging.
The site clearly conveys Justworks knowledge and provides a sense of guidance.
We are able to easily edit the content without much effort (additional microsites will be easier to build moving forward).
Marketing Site Touchpoints
Lo-Fi Mockups
Began early iterations for new modules that would eventually be added to our design system.
Templatized solution pages for scalability.
Final Deliverable w/ Visual System
Final Product included 4 solution pages as well as 2 plan pages that would explain our pricing plans. This project and template will continue to grow as we see the addition of 2 additional solution pages on the Marketing site.