UX Design
Groove Maps.png

Groove Maps

Groove Maps


About Groove Maps

Groove Maps is a Native iOS app that helps music lovers explore live + local concert information, preview music before going to a concert, and follow favorited artists and venues. 

The Task

We were tasked with creating a website homepage design and an efficient user onboarding process.



Learning what Groove Maps users liked and disliked about the app gave us insight to shape the online experience.

7/10 said it was not clear to them that they could not search events more than a week in advance.

8/10 users did not understand Groove Maps' features from the onboarding process. 

9/10 users said the sign up process was lengthy and they wanted to know how many steps it would take to sign up before they begin.

Design Process

We strategized various ways for users to preview features before users signed up, but there were technical constraints of the company's proprietary API.

Our MVP is a responsive website that immediately informs visitors of Groove Map's value proposition while driving an immediate call-to-action behavior.

The sign-in process was simplified from 5 steps to 2 steps, optimized for efficient on-boarding.

After signing up/logging in, a newly designed welcome screen provides logical navigation for first time and returning users.